the well-travelled scarf

February 13, 2011 at 5:29 PM
Well, at least this was finished in time so my husband could still use it this winter! I'm calling it the well-travelled scarf because I've carried this scarf to a lot of places over the last 8 months. Yes, 8 months. Kind of long time to take to make a scarf, but there you have it. Of course it's the super popular "Noro Striped Scarf" (ravelry link) posted on Ravelry by Jared Flood. I have to admit I was mesmerized by the colours of all of the different versions of this scarf that have been made. I ended up using 4 skeins of Noro Silk Garden...which made a really, really, long scarf, as you can see. I found the 1x1 ribbing to be slow going so I taught myself to knit in the continental style so that it would go faster. I'm happy to now say that I can knit both ways now! Interestingly, if I knit continental, my knitting is a lot looser than if I knit English style. I'm in the process of knitting my gauge swatch for my next project - my first sweater (although I do have 2 hats under way also).

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